Add audio and video news to Your Web Site and get paid

Attracting visitors to your Website is a precondition for the success of your Web initiative.
To have any hopes of attracting visitors to your website, you need to offer them something that will be of interest to them. Aside from a great presentation of your website, provide your visitors with helpful and interesting articles. A very important mission of a good web design is to create a connection between you and your visitors. They will be a regular visitor taking with them friends who will take their own friends as well and so on and so forth.

Place items on the site that keep them lingering.  Audio and video news are one of these and get paid!

TheNewsRoom has a huge collection of video, text, and photos from over 175 news sources. Find in-depth news, embed it to your site, and get paid. Their revolutionary viral mashing technology allows licensed news feeds and stories to be "mashed" from TheNewsRoom and legally embedded on your website or blog. From your site, the content can then be redistributed to an infinite number of additional sites. All content is accompanied by advertising. Each time the news mashed from TheNewsRoom is viewed on your site, you earn a guaranteed CPM (cost per thousand impression). It's Easy to Get Started. All you do is click on the Mash button and follow the easy step-by-step process to embed the feed or story on your site. They provide a tracking system and dashboard that records where the feeds and stories have traveled on the Web and how often they are viewed.


1. Get a website

2. Goto our below video World News Feed and click on the MASH (embed) button in the top right hand corner
    of the news feed.

3. Follow instructions - enter email address and when it asks for layout option make sure you select the autoplay
     layout,  copy the code.

4. Paste the code into your website

5. Go to  and sign-up using the same email address as you used to get the news feed.

6. If you want to be paid when free, licensed news from TheNewsRoom is viewed on your site, simply register
    with your payment informations and start to earn money

7. Get hits to your news feed and make money.

8. Get as many people as possible to do the exact same thing.

Put as many pictures/videos/story's as you can on one webpage to increase your revenue

Use the mash button to embed a news story  or a news feed (with advertising) onto your website or blog.  Register to earn a share of the advertising revenue each time mashed news is viewed on your site.

News Categories: News Categories US, Weather, Local World, Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East
Business: Corporate News, Economy, Markets, Personal Finance, Regulatory, Compliance
Science and Technology: Environment, Science, Space
Entertainment, Movies, Music, TV
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey. Soccer, Tennis
Life and Leisure
Fashion & Beauty
Humor Press Releases
Gardening How To
and more....

You also earn money when someone mashes content from your site and it is in turn viewed on their site.
Additionally, you will get paid each time you mash text or an image and it is rendered or drawn by your viewers. As a registered participant of TheNewsRoom, they track your success.

Find fully licensed video, audio, text, and image news content from the top sources around.

TheNewsRoom is the premiere online news site of Voxant, the Viral Syndication Network (VSN). VSN unlocks new markets for news organizations and advertisers around the world by helping them get their news content found, played, and paid for on the millions of Web sites and blogs that comprise the “long tail” of the Web.
Through TheNewsRoom and its unique viral mashing™ technology, VSN distributes and promotes news from more than 170 credible, licensed content sources. Network affiliates include CBS, the Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press (AP), Reuters, MTV, NHL, AFP, and HowStuffWorks, as well as a variety of website publishers and bloggers.

Website Publishers and Bloggers
VSN provides access to hundreds of thousands of fully licensed news stories that can be published, or embedded, on your site.
Mashing content from major content providers such as CBS, the Wall Street Journal, AP, and Reuters allows you to:

Make money via advertising revenue share.
Keep relevant, timely news on your site.
Attract more visitors to your site and keep them there.

If you want to be paid when free, licensed news from TheNewsRoom is viewed on your site, simply register with your payment information and start mashing!
Here is how you get paid! See their CPM payout structure below.

From your site, the content can then be redistributed to an infinite number of additional sites. If you want to get paid, be sure to register and give them your payment information!

So what you waiting for, get MASHING now!


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